Crosstable of Tournament 50. DFM/F-S

Crosstable of Tournament 50. DFM/F-S

Tournament Secretary: Norbert Seyb
Position BdF-No. Title Playername Country FWZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Points SB-Points
1 24874 SIM Rio, Roland del Germany 2287
9.0 59.00
2 27504 SIM Höppenstein, Michael Germany 2173
9.0 58.75
3 26105 SIM Lins, Thomas Germany 2219
8.5 55.75
4 26647 CCE Schilling, Hans Germany 2041
7.5 50.25
11802 Mihatsch, Thomas Germany 2144
7.5 50.25
27723 NFM-B Huber, Martin Germany 2131
7.5 50.25
18038 SIM Kuhne, Detlev Germany 2175
7.5 50.25
8 25063 SIM Amann, Hubert Germany 2160
7.0 49.00
26543 CCM Mätzig, Ralf Germany 2158
7.0 49.00
10 27046 NFM-B Schmidt, Jörg Germany 2121
6.5 44.75
27342 CCM / NFM-B Hanel, Roland Germany 2173
6.5 44.75
9914 Seelig, Jürgen Germany 2110
6.5 44.75
13 26493 IM Boos, Markus Germany 2152
6.0 40.75
14 15108 Even, Dr. Roland Germany 2196
6.0 37.75
15 22833 Schönbeck, Hilmar Germany 2079
3.0 19.75
Tournament Start Date: 2020-04-12 Tournament End Date: 2021-08-13 , Tournament Closedate: 2021-08-14
Started Games: 105 Finished Games: 105