Crosstable of Tournament 4. DRaCup/V03

Crosstable of Tournament 4. DRaCup/V03

Tournament Secretary: Horst Wilshusen
Position BdF-No. Title Playername Country FWZ 1 2 3 4 5 Points SB-Points
1 24106 CCM Hausdorf, Heinz Germany 2090
3.0 4.50
2 26790 CCM Thau, Oliver Germany 1970
2.5 3.75
27277 CCM Linke, Michael Germany 2096
2.5 3.75
4 27450 CCM / NFM-S Franke, Heiko Germany 2146
2.0 2.50
5 26768 Himpel, Roland Germany 1134
0.0 0.00
Tournament Start Date: 2022-02-27 Tournament End Date: 2022-03-10 , Tournament Closedate: 2022-03-10
Started Games: 10 Finished Games: 10