Crosstable of Tournament 3. DRaCup/V02

Crosstable of Tournament 3. DRaCup/V02

Tournament Secretary: Horst Wilshusen
Position BdF-No. Title Playername Country FWZ 1 2 3 4 5 Points SB-Points
1 26397 CCM Schloßer, Ronny Germany 2045
2.5 4.50
28041 Brauer, Peter Germany 1935
2.5 4.50
3 28044 CCM Fischer, Jens Germany 2048
2.5 4.25
4 17694 IM Offenborn, Heinz Germany 2083
1.5 2.25
5 7943 Tacke, Hubert Germany 1853
1.0 2.50
Tournament Start Date: 2020-12-07 Tournament End Date: 2021-01-31 , Tournament Closedate: 2021-01-31
Started Games: 10 Finished Games: 10