Crosstable of Tournament MS-374

Crosstable of Tournament MS-374

Tournament Secretary: Michael Müller-Töpler
Position BdF-No. Title Playername Country FWZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Points SB-Points
1 24435 Schüler, Lothar Germany 2018
2.5 1.25
2 23380 CCM Preussner, Michael Germany 1983
1.0 1.75
27664 Ruppelt, Karl-Heinz Germany 1908
1.0 1.75
4 23791 Straub, Jochen Germany 1959
0.5 1.25
5 22281 Binder, Andreas Germany 1896
0.0 0.00
14167 CCE Rüther, Rudolf Germany 1953
0.0 0.00
20887 CCM Wadle, Michael Germany 1907
0.0 0.00
Tournament Start Date: 2025-01-08 Tournament End Date:
Started Games: 21 Finished Games: 5